What is the Performance Coaching?

I've created 'Life Coding', which is my performance coaching system thatĀ helps you pinpoint your aspirations, unblocks your indecision and fear, strategizeĀ a plan of attack, and reprograms the way you perform so you can achieve your goals in 90 days or less. I work closely with a handful of private clients at a time, specifically corporate and IT professionals who are ready to make significant life and performance changes.Ā Please watch this quick video to see if private 1:1 Life Coding with me is the right fit for you.


Apply to work with Rickey directly as a private client

If you're struggling with goal setting, time management, burnout, career shifts, relationships, or decision-making, I'm here to help. As a certified life and performance coach, I work closely with a limited number of private clients to empower you with actionable plans, accountability and guaranteed results. Let's pinpoint your aspirations, startĀ seeing results, and accomplish goals. If youā€™re interested, click the button to apply.

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Rickey Jasper II, a dynamic performance and fitness coach, founded Life Coding to empower corporate professionals, helping them break free from stagnation and reignite their passion for success and enduring fitness. As a coach and keynote speaker with certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and in Life Coaching, he aids success-driven professionals feeling indecisive, stuck, and fearful in pursuing their goals, to help them gain clarity, confidence, and resolve by tapping into their true identity and drive.

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