Enough Excuses. Discover Your Purpose and Reignite Your Fire.


Your dreams won't wait forever. Will YOU finally take the first step and see transformations in less than 30 days?


Course Modules


Your Passion is Calling…

You got into IT for a reason–to solve problems, build cool tech, make a difference. And the paycheck's have been decent too.

But some where along the way, something shifted. The fire that once drove you...it's flickering out. The projects that used to excite you now just seem like another deadline. And that nagging voice inside whispers louder each day…

Is this all there is?

You see your passions and those side projects you dream of, collecting dust.

What went wrong?

Why does it feel so impossible to make a move - the fear, maybe indecision?

Listen, you're not alone. 

Countless IT and corporate professionals face this same soul-crushing struggle.

But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be this way.

There's a way to break free from the monotony, rediscover that spark, and build a life where your work fuels your deepest passions.

It's Time to Wake Up! 

Look, you're smart. You've got the tech skills, the drive – you're making it work. But let's be real, something's missing. 

That excitement, that fire in your belly? 

You tell yourself you'll get to those passion projects "someday." But someday never comes, does it? Enough with the excuses.

Reignite Your Fire isn't about feel-good fluff. 

It's about getting down to the root of what's holding you back and building a real plan to break free. 

This is your wake-up call. 

Get Started Here


My name is Rickey Jasper II, and I get the IT grind. I spent over a decade climbing the corporate ladder, only to get blindsided by layoffs and burnout time and time again.

The stress, the uncertainty – it took a toll on my physical and mental health.

But I didn't just feel sorry for myself. I turned my frustration into a mission.

I became a certified personal trainer and performance coach to understand how we can thrive despite the unique challenges we face.

Now, as a Manager and Team Lead in the health tech sector, I blend my IT experience with my passion for wellness to help professionals like you take back control. 

Reignite Your Fire Here!
Cut the BS. It's Time to Reignite Your Fire. 

Reignite Your Fire includes 16 video lessons across 7 in-depth modules. There’s an easy-to-read eBook as well as worksheets that teach science-backed principles.

Here's what you’ll learn:

Get SMART about your goals 


Ditch vague wishes. You'll learn to set goals that make sense and create a step-by-step plan to actually reach them.

Build that "Never Back Down" Mindset


Challenges happen. This course builds the mental toughness to overcome them, turning those "roadblocks" into stepping stones.

Action over Analysis


Enough with the endless planning. I will get you doing, experimenting, and making those passions a reality.

Listen, I won’t waste your time with fluffy theories or generic advice. I know you’ve dealt with enough noise. It’s time to put in the work and change your life.

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Reignite Your Fire

This is Your Moment – Will You Seize it? 

The truth is, no one is coming to save you. No magic job offer, no sudden burst of inspiration... it won't just fall into your lap. 

You have a choice to make: 

Keep doing the same thing, hoping for different results, and let those passions fade further into memory. 


Take a chance on yourself. Invest in the tools, mindset, and proven strategies to build a life that genuinely excites you.


Choose the Option That's Right For You:


Pay In Full

$59.00 USD

Join the "Reignite Your Fire" video course today

  • FREE Easy to Read eBook
  • FREE Activities Checklist
  • 7 Module Video Course
  • 16 Video Lessons 

Pay In Full

$19.00 USD

Join the "Reignite Your Fire" course today

  • Easy to Read eBook
  • Activities Checklist
  • 7 Module Video Course
  • 16 Video Lessons