Chasing A Greater Vision Podcast with Rickey Jasper II

Chasing A Greater Vision Podcast with Rickey Jasper II

Hosted by: Rickey Jasper II | Speaker, Coach

Every person has something that fills them with God given purpose, but most of us go through life from one step to the next doing things we believe we should. When Rickey Jasper II was laid off multiple times in 6...

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Episode 28 - 5 Lessons to Learn When You Are Young

Episode #28

How many people have said, 'if I only knew then what I know now.' Well today's episode is about some great lessons that you can start applying to your life now in order to set yourself up for the future you truly...
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Episode 27 - Top 3 Self-Limiting Beliefs

Episode #27

What sort of self limiting beliefs are you engaged in on a daily basis? It's important to consider how you might be limiting yourself so that you can push forward towards greater achievements. In this episode, Rickey...
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Episode 26 - 5 Relationship Game Changers

Episode #26

Today we are talking about 5 tips that can truly be game changers in your relationship. While love and being together with someone may sound like something that should be natural and easy, relationships take a lot of...
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Episode 25 - How to Beat the Stress of Expectations

Episode #25

Are you someone who always feels the pressure of the expectations others have on you? Do you run down a list in your mind of how your decisions will effect other people? There are always and will always be social...
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Episode 24 - 3 Tips For Systematizing Your Life

Episode #24

Systems for success can be successful systems that lead to success! Today we're talking about the systems we do or don't implement in our lives and how much help they can be. Maybe you're going through life with...
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Episode 23 - 3 Ways to Reconnect with The World Around You

Episode #23

Are you lonely in the day to day of your life? Does your lifestyle, although just fine on its own, not always allow you the freedom you feel you to need to foster meaningful connection in your life? Then this podcast...
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Episode 22 - 3 Ways to Find Solid Ground on Sinking Sand

Episode #22

It can be hard to find stability in chaotic times. And sometimes it's not even our fault, it's just the way life is. Seasons change from peaceful to crazy, prosperous to minimal and through it all we have to have...
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Episode 21 - The 3 Step Attitude Makeover

Episode #21

"It's your attitude, not your aptitude that determines your altitude." - Zig Zigler There may be many things that you have overcome in your life to be where you are today, but what if the very attitude you carry with...
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Episode 20 - 3 Ways to Achieve Success in Uncertain Times

Episode #20

There's no such thing as a sure thing, as the saying goes. And if there's truly no sure thing out there then we are going to need to learn to manage uncertainty. Perhaps you're facing a lot of it right now. Today's...
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Episode 19 - 3 Tips for Persevering in the Marathon of Life

Episode #19

Life isn't a sprint. In fact, it's a marathon. And if you don't have the right strategy or ways to deal with challenges, you can find yourself wanting to give up pretty quickly. On today's show, Rickey breaks down...
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Episode 18 - 3 Ways to become more Resilient

Episode #18

How do we push back on the things that push back against us? In order to do so we must be resilient. If you don't see yourself as resilient right now, you need to know that this is something you can build up in...
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Episode 17 - Why Personal Responsibility is the Key to Being a Better Person

Episode #17

Responsibility is your abilty to respond. We respond to positive and negative things all thorughout our day and it is a natural human tendancy to claim others or outside influences are responsible for our reponses....
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