Chasing A Greater Vision Podcast with Rickey Jasper II

Chasing A Greater Vision Podcast with Rickey Jasper II

Hosted by: Rickey Jasper II | Speaker, Coach

Every person has something that fills them with God given purpose, but most of us go through life from one step to the next doing things we believe we should. When Rickey Jasper II was laid off multiple times in 6...

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Episode 16 - 3 Strategies for Getting What You Want Now | The Chasing a Greater Vision Podcast

Episode #16

One thing that can hinder anyone who's chasing a greater vision for their life is simply not knowing what they want or even getting distracted from it. In this episode Rickey jumps into 3 tips for success in going...
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Episode 15 - The Four Things To Do When You Feel Hopeless

Episode #15

We can all feel hopeless at times. But being hopeless is not a healthy state to be in. We have to find ways to snap out of the ruts we find ourselves in. In this episode, Rickey give 4 tips on what you can do to keep...
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Episode 14 - 4 Toxic Qualities and How to Beat Them

Episode #14

Envy, Anger, Jealousy and Worry. These four qualities are part of human nature, but that doesn't mean we should tolerate them or allow them to govern our lives. In this week's episode Rickey takes time to break down a...
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Episode 13 - 5 Ways To Be A Better Leader

Episode #13

Everyone is meant to be a leader eventually and in some capacity. Not everyone will automatically be a good leader. Here are 5 practical tips you can start working on today to make yourself a better leader. Start...
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Episode 12 - The 3 Ways to Start Opening Up and Becoming More Vulnerable

Episode #12

As scary as it can be to open up to other people and let your guard down, it is actually something that necessary for your growth and the growth of others. We often let people into our living room but not our bedroom...
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Episode 11 - 5 Tips to Create Your Own Morning Routine

Episode #11

A morning routine can be a significant chess piece in chasing a greater vision for your life. If you are looking to give life your all and achieve the greatest that you can achieve, then a morning routine will have...
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Episode 10 - How to Shake Off Stagnation

Episode #10

No one wants to be stuck. But there are times in our life where we can feel truly stuck and the truly difficult problem can be how do we get unstuck. When you find yourself in that place you want to motivate yourself...
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Episode 9 - How to Overcome Criticism

Episode #9

It is amazing how limited our lives can become due to fear of criticism. A mountain of praise can quickly be forgotten about when faced with one statement of criticism. Today on the podcast Rickey talks about how to...
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Episode 8 - How to Do What You Need to Do Even When You Don't Want to

Episode #8

I would say that, in general, everyone knows what they need to do. The only problem is we often don't want to and we lack the discipline to overcome those strong feelings of avoidance. So today's episode is about...
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Episode 7 - How to Take a Step When You Don't Know What to Do

Episode #7

It's very easy to get locked up in a state of not knowing what to do and general fear that keeps you from where you'd like to get to in life. In this episode, Rickey discusses how to shake yourself loose from the...
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Episode 6 - 3 Focus Areas to Avoid STS (Shiny Thing Syndrome)

Episode #6

Today on the Chasing a Greater Vision Podcast, maybe the grass isn't greener on the other side. The grass may in fact be greener where you water it and Rickey discusses the 3 main areas he works on watering to develop...
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Episode 5 - How to Take Advantage of and Work Through Fear

Episode #5

Fear is often viewed as something to be avoided but what if what you want is on the other side of fear? What if the grater vision you are pursuing for your life requires you to face what you're scared of. Rickey...
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